Uzbekistan written Tatarcha Diktant 2021

13 September 2021, Monday

On 12 September 2021, the worldwide event entitled “Tatarcha Diktant 2021” (Tatar language dictation) was held. The event was held online globally. It was joined by activists of the Tatar public cultural centres of Uzbekistan from the cities of Tashkent, Yangiyul, Jizzakh, Samarkand, Bukhara, Navoi, Urgench, Karshi, Fergana, and others.

The event started on the site of the Representative Office of Tatarstan in the Republic of Uzbekistan where employees of the Office, members of the Board, and activists of the Tatar Public Cultural and Educational Centre of Tashkent had gathered. Children also took part in the dictation.

This year, more than 100 people in Uzbekistan took part in writing the dictation. The youngest participant was 5 years old and the oldest, 77 years old.

Everyone who took part was given a certificate of participation.

The event was covered by the Tatarstan Novy Vek TV channel’s correspondent in Uzbekistan.

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