As part of the Labour Productivity national project, the Tatarstan Regional Competence Centre (RCC), with the support from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Tatarstan has successfully implemented a pilot project on the improvement of labour productivity at OOO Egida+.
Project office has been established in Egida+ with the responsibility to initiate new projects, according to the plan of involvement of production and information flows/processes into the Productivity Improvement Programme for 3 years.
The project to improve labour productivity in the company has achieved its objectives in full. Successful implementation of the project has resulted in a 20% reduction in process lead time and a 15% reduction in in-process inventory, while a 30% increase in in-process productivity has been achieved.
The Tatarstan’s Regional Competence Centre in the Field of Labour Productivity (RCC) was established on the basis of the Centre for Energy-Saving Technologies of Tatarstan under the Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers and is the performer of the “Targeted Support for Increasing Labour Productivity at Enterprises” regional project.
The RCC’s mission is to improve the quality of goods and services and to increase the competitiveness of the Russian economy through creating a culture of high productivity and efficiency among the employees of republic’s organisations.