Sales of nicotine-containing products to minors prohibited

17 January 2020, Friday

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Tatarstan reports that Tatarstan Law No. 106‑ZRT of December 24, 2019 “On Prohibition of Sales to Minors of Non-Smoking Nicotine-Containing Products, Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems in Tatarstan and Amendments into Certain Legislative Acts of Tatarstan” was adopted and entered into force in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan.

As a result, the Republic of Tatarstan has prohibited the sales of tobacco products, sucking tobacco (snus), naswar, as well as non-tobacco nicotine-containing products, electronic nicotine delivery systems (vapes) to minors.

The Tatarstan Office of the Federal Service for Supervision over Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare operates a hotline, by calling which one can inform the Service about a retail outlet where non-smoking nicotine-containing products are sold and the rules for their sales are violated.

Hotline phone is +7(843) 272‑80‑33 (business days) or +7(843) 238‑98‑54 (weekends); email address is

In case of identifying facts of any retail sales of tobacco-free nicotine-containing products outside the outlets, please contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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