Industrial enterprises in Tatarstan can buy software with up to 60% discount

19 October 2017, Thursday

In accordance with the sub-programme “Development of Engineering Activities” of the Governmental Programme “Industrial Development and Enhancing Competitiveness”, the industrial enterprises of Tatarstan are granted an opportunity to receive state financial support for the purchase of engineering software with a special discount of up to 60% at the expense of the federal budget, as set forth by the Government Resolution No.1200 of November 14, 2014.

The programme grants the right to receive subsidies from the federal budget in order to reimburse some of the end user expenses for the purchase of special software used to automate the work at an industrial enterprise during the design and preproduction planning stages and (or) solve various engineering tasks, such as calculations, analysis and simulation of physical processes and production technology.

To be eligible, a company must meet the following criteria:

- average number of staff in the preceding calendar year no more than 250 persons;

- value of the user's revenues from sales of goods (works, services) in the preceding calendar year, less VAT, no more than RUB 2 billion;

- type of activities is related to design.

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